(This is a sub-post because it looks more professional.) Blogging, Marketing, SEO, SEM, PPC

Tales of a New-to-New-Media Blogger

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Some SEM Jargon, but Important. CPA and CPL Explained.

CPA= Cost Per Acquisition-
My understanding is that whenever there is a click that leads to a conversion, the company will pay a certain price. In this case we will use $31.
Company X is willing to pay us $31 each time they get a click and a conversion.
We want to get that down to US having to pay only $20 to get a click to conversion.
This way, if we pay the 20 and get a click-conversion, we make $11 profit on that click.

CPL= Cost Per Lead-
Spend divided by total leads received.  For example: Every ten clicks a conversion to make $25 and we make $1.24.

Facts Driven Data.

We must win the bids.

Side tip:
Download Adwords Editor to make life easier when making ads.