(This is a sub-post because it looks more professional.) Blogging, Marketing, SEO, SEM, PPC

Tales of a New-to-New-Media Blogger

Friday, June 1, 2012

SEM - PPC - Paid Advertising

Yes, it has been a while, but I am back and do not want to lose my passion and interest in the online marketing arena.

Just stumbled across a few notes taken by me around last summer when I was gung-ho on expanding on my knowledge of the online marketing arena.

I had done a lot of research then, and hope to share it within the next few blog posts.

 First to clarify:
 SEM= Search Engine Marketing
 PPC= Pay per Click

Setting up ad campaigns:
If you set them up well the first time, then it all boils down to maintenance.
Here is were you enter all of the keywords one may search for that can lead a person to this product you are marketing.

For example:
If you were advertising a podiatrist in Brooklyn let's say (my eldest brother Howard in this case) you can set up your ad campaigns with a large variety of keywords ranging from anything associated with feet. For example: bunions, corns, foot pain, hammer toe, ingrown toenails, fungus... and the list goes on.

The hardest part is the analytics.
Each week you heck to see how each keyword (or phrase) is doing and what results they are bringing and how many people actually clicked on your ad based on the appropriate keywords.
You don't want to waste money by having people click on your ads who are not looking for what you are marketing!!!

After that, you can modify the keyword searches to take out the ones that are not doing that great.

Writing Ad Copy

Most companies contract this out to India.  Its the 3-4 lines that you see in your Ad.

To manage a companies Ad Campaign you can charge a low fee of 250-500 monthly.
The time spent on this is about a 1/2 hour 3x a month.
About 2 hours a week.

This includes putting together an Ad Campaign - (hardest most critical part) and maintaining the keyword searches based on the analytics.


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