(This is a sub-post because it looks more professional.) Blogging, Marketing, SEO, SEM, PPC

Tales of a New-to-New-Media Blogger

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Back to Affiliate Marketing - Blog Content - Making Money

I am writing about the topic of affiliate marketing again because I need to re-establish my motivation.  This techie stuff is really starting to get to me. 
I am motivated by making money - residual income... virtually.
I'm just getting through reading an article by http://www.ezinemark.com/ where he writes that the best way to make residual income is through internet business.
If you do not have a product of your own to promote you can promote other people's products through affiliate marketing.
Affiliate Marketing - To promote affiliate products:
1) You need to think of what products you'd like to promote - something that interests you and your passion will drive your effort.

Again, the article says to create a blog and drive up traffic to your site.
Then to keep doing this - creating blogs- with various products you'd like to promote.

Generating Traffic through Article Marketing:

TIPS: (still from http://www.ezinemark.com/- I commented with my URL on his article btw.)
Article marketing, or content creation and syndication strategies  are NOT for those that want to get rich "quick" or make a mint overnight. It takes work... discipline and dedication to create quality content.

He says certain topics in articles generate more traffic quickly ... HOT topics like DIET, dating, divorce...

KEYWORD Research...
If you really want an avalanche of eyeballs in front of your offers, the BEST way to write articles that convert is to answer questions and position yourself as an authority in your niche.
You can use a FREE keyword tool like the Wordtracker question and answer engine to literally find out the VERBATIM questions your audience is searching for, giving you an AMAZING opportunity to literally use those very questions as your article titles... and answer them using your EXPERTISE immediately thereafter. When I've done this, I've found my articles not only get MUCH more long tail (and long term) traffic... my click through rate, and my opt in percentage thereafter, goes up exponentially to boot! (and so TOO will yours!)
This is from http://www.ezinemark.com/
More ways to get traffic:
Free Classifieds: Sites like: Backpage, Craigslist, Kijiji, and Gumtree.
eHow: Says:
To be successful - you need to look at the article writing as a long-term investment. 
You also need a few niches and write different types of content for different places. (in case something falls through... )

1) I posted my URL in the comment box of a few sites. Signed up with eHow.com
2) Read a lot about writing articles and good content for a living.
Tomorrow I hope to:
1) http://www.toprankblog.com/ - Online Marketing Blog Article. Best blogs on the net.  I would like to read blogs and put my URL in comments.

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